Supercard Отзывы пользователей

Very badly done

I spent countless hours to switch the language but it doesn’t work .. finally I went to coop help fest and all they offered was it my fault it’s in German as my phone language is English !! I mean really???

Updating app logs user out

Why does the app log me out after updating it ? I have not encountered this with other app updates. Trying to log in multiple times but and captcha photos are so annoying

Log in

It took 2 days and 12 attempts to create my account. The bike/car/bus photos are extremely difficult (just part of a bike tire? Hand brake? part of a fender) multiple codes entered correctly and still failed. Even the store manger employee familiar with the app gave up!


Was für eine unbrauchbare Müll App. Loggt einen dauernd ungefragt aus. Wenn man dann einloggt muss man 27 Captchas ausfüllen, selbst wenn das Passwort nicht stimmt. Und weshalb braucht es überhaupt 2 verschiedene Apps für die Coop Aktionen und die Supercard?

Activating bons is very slow

Very frustrating

No way to change language setting

Entirely useless to me until it becomes possible to change language setting from German to French. (German dominance of websites etc is always a problem for those of us in Swiss Romande, but I did not expect it of a big company like Coop!). The instructions on how to change the language under settings don’t work, instead it takes you to the phone app settings (as noted in previous developer reply); but for me at least, these do not language as an option. (I tried turning on location services, but it made no difference.) Frustrating

Problèmes récurrents

Je passe sur la question du langage qui est particulièrement agaçante dans un pays aux quatre langues officielles mais depuis quelques semaines, malgré une réinstallation de l’application, les points de s’accumulent plus et je ne peux plus transférer mes points en carte cadeau. Bref, une application qui ne sert pas à grand-chose en soi.

app only in German

unable to change language! please add french as before!

App dropped language support

A recent update to the app dropped support for languages other than German. The instructions on how to change the language now only take you to a page that shows your choice is Deutsch with no opportunity to change that. Disappointing that they removed previous functionality.

App now only in German

The below instruction does not work!!! Unable to change language - not happy You can change the language if you press on "Mehr" and than in the tabbar "Einstellungen". There you will find the languages settings. Best regards your Supercard team


Je ne vois que l’allemand sur l’appli… pas de français ou même d’anglais

Loss of useful functionality in the latest version

Latest version silently dropped support for Apple Watch (no more barcode on the watch) and iOS widgets. The only way to access the Supercard barcode now is by opening the app and going to the “cards” tab.

English Bitte

The app works well, and support 3 of Switzerland's 4 languages. It does not support Romansch, and does not support English. English is supported in the COOP app, and in store at checkout. Make the app less useful. Also, no widget for the Supercard.

No English Translation

English translation at least for menu (like setting, navigation bar,...)

Excellent service, prices and products.

I am very happy with the quality and choices Coop provides. I enjoy the discounts in my local Coop and also the Superstore.

App convergence is welcome

Why a Coop app, a Supercard app, a Passabene app ? It would be a better experience for the customer and easier to maintain....


very good and usefull


Would be nice if u added English. Otherwise a great app!

Change language

For everyone having trouble with the language: At the bottom right go to “Mehr”, then to “Einstellungen”. There you can switch to French or Italian. I enjoy the app and the discounts a lot. I especially like being able to have all my cards on there.

Only German?

COOP encourages downloading the app but cannot see how to do so in French? I do not speak German at all...


German to French? As has already been asked, how to change the app to Français? It is extremely difficult for me to navigate the app in Deutsch. Any help is appreciated!

Love it!

I really love this app. It’s very useful and practical. Every Coop lover should have it.

I don’t read German

I love coop. I’ve been shopping online for ages with them. However, i am frustrated with this app. I cannot get it out of German! Where can i choose my language? It says it supports 4 languages.

On Watch is better than Migros but Slow. Please integrate into wallet.

It's nicer than Migros (which doesn't offer barcode on watch.) Even w/ watchOS 3.1 it still takes ages to open. Wish were integrated into wallet/ApplePay. I hate having to separately activate both flash barcode and credit card. 03May15, 11Nov16: App asked me to rate it, so here I am again! Same comments/ requests/ rating reduced from 3 to 2 for issues not being resolved.


Guter Anfang....aber Apple Pay würde die ganze Sache noch besser machen, zumal die Kassiererinnen keine Ahnung haben wie man die digitale Karte auflädt. !

Convenience and Value

This a great app for Coop shoppers that makes getting and keeping track of points much easier.


Diese App ist überflüssig und unveratändlich, dass man genötigt wird nur diese zu benutzen und nicht etwa Stocard. Typisch Coop, bei Migros und allen anderen geht das!

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